What’s the Worst Thing You Did as a Kid?

Brian Falldin
Published Discussions
5 min readMar 24, 2015


Give it to me straight, what are some of the worst things you did when you were a kid growing up? Atone for your wild ways!

A conversation created on Squid, a Disqus channel

by Mizore Shirayuki

Some Kids Did an Awful Lot!

“Oh the list… Okay, off the top of my head… Hung underwear from trees, used to shoot the hose at passing cars and pretend it was an accident, then run if they stopped or got out. Used to make these awful noises at people from behind the screen door as they walked down the street since they couldn’t see us. Made my brother snort pepper once. Did the spray cans with the lighter like the picture above. There had to be somewhere between 30–50 stink bomb attacks, mostly in school, easiest way to start recess early. There was a cat that used to dig up my garden and crap in it, trapped it one day and gave it the shower of a lifetime with the garden hose. Repainted the curb red one day so no one would park outside our house anymore. Constantly named our wi-fi inappropriate things. Then we found this product called Liquid A…. wait no.

Yeah I think I’ll stop now before I end up incriminating myself for something.”

Paul Vincent

Many Liked to Throw Things

“I Threw my 3rd period classroom desk from the school’s third floor. On the fourth day, I was caught and suspended for the rest of the year.

The 2 months I stayed home due to my stupidity, I discovered what I wanted to become in life and have been successful at it for the past 18 years.”


“That’s a great story! Didn’t expect that ending. Why did you throw the desk?”


“I honestly wish I had a good reason besides watching the thing impact into pieces.”


Well, I guess, considering the outcome, that’s as good a reason as any. Maybe a little too much testosterone in your system that day?


“When I was a kid, I threw a stone to my house’s window on purpose because my mother forbade me playing with my childhood friend…

But, yeah… I regret it somehow…”


“I threw a piece of cement at a kids head which lead to stitches. He kept hitting me with a stick saying, “girls aren’t allowed in the playground.”


“Probably the worst thing I did was throw those little poisonous red bush berries at passing cars on my street, while calling them celebrity names…or when I was 4, I threw rocks at passing cars.”


Others Just Tried to Make the World Burn

“Set a tree on fire. A big pine tree.”

Evony Res

“When I was 9, Had arrows dipped in gasoline and fired at my neighbors house.”

Sachin Gopal

“…the worst thing? Probably making a campfire on the living room floor, WOOL CARPET! Yeah… that smell lingered for awhile! Got TORE UP for that one.”


“Probably causing a wildfire. It got contained though so it’s fine.”

Knightly Crusade

“You make it sound like starting a wildfire was no big deal. Lol”

Mizore Shirayuki

“It was small and the fire department fixed it. :D”

Knightly Crusade

“I got a hold of some matches. Gave them to my brother and told him, Mum says it’s okay if you want to burn down the old wood fence.
So he starts lighting it, while I run in to tell my Mum what he’s doing.
Boy, did he ever get it, LOL!”


Another Experimented with a Microwave

“I put purple grapes in microwave oven and they exploded so bad, and also the boiled eggs, they exploded on my face when I took them out of the microwave oven.”

Zainab Iris Rose

While Another Created Art

(and maybe found his son)

“Does peeing on a hot radiator in grade school count as a bad thing?”

Really really Steve

“Yes. Yes it does.”

Mizore Shirayuki

“But the steam cloud that it put out was so beautiful! it was art I tell ya! ART!”

Really really Steve

“I opened a lemonade stand and did really good except that all of the lemonade had urine and boogers in it. I am now teaching high school.”



Steve Roy ♛

