“9 reasons why physical books will be replaced by e-book readers in the future.”

physical books vs eBooks

Hiran Dhakal


source : internet

Physical exercise is to the body as reading is to the brain. Volumes of books can be written highlighting the importance of reading. But the main issue to be discussed is, what do you read from? With the advancement in technology, we are not limited to only one alternative when it comes to reading.

Ebooks have entered the arena with a plethora of advantages. Today, let’s do a meticulous analysis. Are ebooks worthy of substituting our highly coveted physical books? The choice is to be made by the reader, and I am here to present the facts.

  • Ebooks are a one-time investment. Once I get one, all I need to do is upload my books and continue reading. These ebook readers are very durable, with better battery life. Once fully charged, they don’t need to be plugged in for as long as a week.
  • Ebooks do not occupy a lot of space. The problem of space is faced by all avid readers. For every new book we buy, we have to create a new space in the cupboard. Since every book is a treasured asset for us readers, we never think of discarding old books. So, physical books tend to fill every spare place in the house. At least we are free from this hassle if we switch to an ebook reader. In its digital memory, entire volumes of books in a library can be uploaded.
  • Books uploaded in ebook readers are easily accessed. All you need to do is go to the search bar in the ebook reader and search for the book either by its name or by the author, and the book is at your disposal within seconds. We would not be able to enjoy this privilege with physical books. I think of reading a book and cannot locate it. I keep searching every almirah and cupboard, and by the time I lay my hands upon it, my break time is over or my quest has subsided. But this would not be the case with an e-reader; if you are able to navigate the menu and press some buttons you can access the book you desire.
  • If you are waiting for someone at a bus stop, or your flight is delayed, or you are waiting in a line that seems to be moving at a snail’s pace, in all these stressful situations, we readers miss our books. “If only I had my books, I would have gone through some pages.” This thought would have crossed your mind multiple times. But it’s possible to carry the entire collection and make the best use of these boring moments with ebook readers. With my entire collection in it, I can scroll through my favorites and get into my reading mood to make the best out of these times.
  • English is my second language, which sometimes makes comprehension while reading very difficult. If I am stuck with a physical book, I will be almost helpless with every difficult word I come across. Every time I go for a dictionary, I lose my reading rhythm and soon I quit. An ebook reader has a built-in dictionary feature. If I come across a new word, all I need to do is tap it on the screen, and the meaning pops out. It’s as simple as this. This feature not only helps me with comprehension, but it has also helped in building my vocabulary.
  • Reading can be an expensive hobby. Books can be quite costly, and if you are addicted to reading, it can put a dent in your pocket. Even in this matter, an ebook has a solid solution. There are many websites where books are available for free. You don’t need to pay even a cent to download and read these books. They are not low-quality books available for free; in fact, they are classic books that are the best in their genre. They are available for free only because their copyright period has expired. It’s legal to download these books.

“these are the sites where free e-books are available”

  • I get hyped about a book, buy it, and impatiently start reading it. However, after a few pages, it doesn’t resonate with me, and it goes on my list of “Did Not Finish” (DNF). It’s a waste of money and, most of all, highly treasured space in my cupboard. An ebook reader provides a solution to this problem. On, I can request a sample of the book. It’s free; I don’t need to pay anything for it. By reading the sample, I can make a decision on whether the book is worth buying or not. Almost all online stores that sell books provide this facility.
  • Ebooks can be read even in the dark. If I want to plunge into the plot of a book, I simply switch off the light in my room and start reading. In this way, it’s just me, my ebook, and the story in the book. I can get rid of all distractions. Paperwhites are a special kind of ebook best suited for this purpose. They have their own ambient light that makes reading possible in the dark.


It’s not rare to find somebody who doesn’t consider an ebook as a “real” book. These people consider reading only when they can feel the paper in their hand and smell the scent of the paper. I have huge respect for these hardcore readers. But if modern technology is providing so many features and advantages, it’s in our benefit to grab them and switch to ebook readers wherever possible.

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