Winter Snowfall – pc: Writingoftheheart

A Narnian like Winter


She awoke from her slumber, stretching her arms out, as she moved to sit up straight from her cosy warm bed, she rubbed her sleepy eyes with the back of her hands.

Realising, something feels oddly strange in her room, it seems to be much lighter and brighter than others mornings.

As her eyes widen, due to the delightful view she has witnessed outside of her bedroom window, abeaming smile appears on her face.

She sees, the first of the winter snowfall, the purest of whites, untouched, and sparkling, covered the whole garden and trees.

She whispers excitedly to herself,

“My own little Narnia stands at my doorstep, waiting for me to explore.”

~ @writingoftheheart™️



Publishing Well

I write the thoughts of my beating heart, (hence the name). Some will connect and some will not, but I will always continue to write. IG: WritingOfTheHeart