Commence the Glove Removal

Rosbelys Grullon
Publishing Well
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2021


Artwork created by me

At what moment do we stop fighting for what we want?

We can’t be in a boxing ring all the time.

When are we told to get water?

When someone is there for us, not against us.

I long to see the day where all our fight has paid off and the match is finished. When we get to go home and relax.

I believe that this day doesn’t have to come as many think it should; when you’re ready to retire. Honey, all you’re free from is labor in this materialistic world.

Please tell me, at what moment did you finally get what you wanted? When did you finally feel you no longer needed to fight?

A fight worth seeing the outcome; worth sticking around for.

I want to reach that point of no longer tiring myself out with the simple things in life.

Where what I want is right in front of me and there’s no need to wear my boxing gloves.

To see the chair, the water, and well,




Rosbelys Grullon
Publishing Well

Enriched in details, I can navigate you through every day of my modern travels. I also occasionally let my mind roam free in short poems or analysis.