
Forsaken Love

Publishing Well
Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2021


Writing – Unsplah

You look at me with a wonder in your eyes,

You look at me with a smile on your lips,

Is there something about me?

I just don’t know,

Is there something about me,

You seem to adore?

I wish you could love me,

Like I do,


Wrap me in your arms,

That is where I’d want to be.

By your side,

Forever my beloved.

Oh, how the thought of eternity feels like nothing but a dream.

You broke down my walls,

With words that were sweet as honey,

You boosted my confidence,

With compliments of your admiration,

You lingered in my thoughts,

By constantly being their when needed,

You crept into my heart,

With your charms, wisdom and caring nature.

As I started to trust you,

Dreams of a beautiful future seemed possible,

But then you left,

When all started to become real…


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Publishing Well

I write the thoughts of my beating heart, (hence the name). Some will connect and some will not, but I will always continue to write. IG: WritingOfTheHeart