Writer’s Block Remedy

Three Words And Freewriting

Will Enhance Your Creativity

Carel Kolchinski
Publishing Well
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2021


Freewriting, Carel Kolchinski
Image by Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay

If you’re a writer, then you may recognise the ‘mind block syndrome’ or MBS, commonly referred to as writer’s block. However hard you try, you just can’t get anything down on paper, it’s as if your mind has switched off from being creative or imaginative.

Personally, when I’m suffering from this mental complaint, I experience a definite physical sensation within my brain; a kind of pressurised, cramped, deadness, a total lack of interest in everything that I attempt to do, and general dissatisfaction with life. I hit that psychological brick wall. It’s an unpleasant, dead-end kind of place to be.

I have known writers remain in this terrible state for months on end. Is there an antidote for the unfortunate writer?

Well, there are two methods I use, but the initial difficulty is to find the energy and motivation to pull yourself out of this mental malaise. Assuming you can do this, here are the methods that I have found useful.

The three-word trick

This is a simple technique. It may sound foolish, but it will help to stir the imagination into action.



Carel Kolchinski
Publishing Well

Past lives as a journalist, PR poseur and commercial slave. Now an aged teetotaller, cyclist, enthusiastic musician and painter. Certified writing addict.