13 Authors with Strong Communities on Social Media

If you’re looking to build a loyal following and engaged community, then take a look at these authors who are crushing it on social.

4 min readSep 2, 2019


In the days pre-Internet, authors only had book tours to interact directly with their fans. The fun thing about publishing a book these days is that you can be in direct contact with your readers. It is a powerful way to see how your writing has touched other lives, and can help you gauge the popularity of your book.

Creating an online community for your readers is not only rewarding, it’s also necessary. Publishers are investing less in promoting authors, so having your own engaged community of followers is extremely beneficial. Authors can promote their work directly to fans, get a feel of what their readers want and like, and valuable feedback on what they’re working on.

These are some authors who have successfully built an engaged community on interactions with their readers online.


1. Rupi Kaur

@rupikaur_ on Instagram

As a poet who found fame through Instagram, Rupi Kaur should be on top of your to-follow list. She posts relatable poems, illustrations and gorgeous lifestyle pictures. Her posts are very easy to share — and many people do. Creating shareable content allowed her fame and online community of followers to grow.

2. Elizabeth Gilbert

@Elizabeth_Gilbert_Writer on Instagram

Gilbert is the author of Eat, Pray, Love and more recently City of Girls. She gives followers an unfiltered peek inside her everyday life. There are lots of puppy photos, and the occasional behind-the-scenes look into her life as an author. This balance between writing posts and personal photographs makes readers feel like they actually know the author behind their favorite novels.

3. J.K. Rowling

@jk_rowling on Twitter

The queen of creating magical realms is very much in touch with what’s going on in the real world as well. She is known for being savagely funny on Twitter, where she shares her views on politics, current affairs and global issues.

4. Jason Reynolds

@Jasonreynolds83 on Instagram

Reynolds, who writes for a young adult and middle-grade audience, shares book recommendations, handwritten notes from his writing process, projects he’s passionate about, and pictures from speaking engagements. Pretty much everything you would expect an author to share!

5. Daymond John

@thesharkdaymond on Instagram

This former Shark Tank investor/judge has written several business books. On Instagram, he shares business advice, inspirational quotes and updates on the publishing process. Even if you have not read any of his books before, his detailed captions and online advice gives you a taste of what to expect, and leaves you wanting more.

6. Stephen King

@StephenKing on Twitter

If you follow Stephen King, aka the “King of Horror”, you’ll get a pretty good idea of what he likes and dislikes. Several times a day, he shares his political views and suggestions for books, TV shows and movies. By sharing these things, fans can get a peek inside the mind of their favorite writer.

7. Hannah Orenstein

@hannahorens on Instagram

Orenstein, who recently published her second rom-com novel, is great at involving her followers in her writing and publishing process. She shares where she is writing, her own writing tips and tricks, and even consults her readers on the title of her new novel. When readers feel like they are personally invested in the development of the book, they are more likely to support it too.

8. Neil Gaiman

@Neilhimself on Twitter

This prolific author uses Twitter to respond to his readers’ messages and repost things they share. With his wit and dry sense of humor, he has created a fun online community for his fans to interact with him.

9. E.J. Mellow

@ejmellow on Instagram

This YA author sure knows how to ‘gram. She shares countless photos of the prettiest writing desk set-ups that inspire even the biggest procrastinators to start writing! She’ll caption these intimately with where she is at in the writing process and how she feels.

10. Margaret Atwood

@MargaretAtwood on Twitter

The author of The Handmaid’s Tale doesn’t just write great books; she is also a master of memorable tweets. Other than sharing updates about her work and engaging with followers, she’s also very vocal about topics that she cares about — such as climate change and animal protection.

11. Cheryl Strayed

@cherylstrayed on Instagram

Behind the memoir that triggered the “Wild” effect, inspiring thousands to walk the Pacific Crest Trail in California, is this woman with a seemingly normal life on Instagram. Well, she alternates “normal” pictures with ones of bronze statues of her and selfies with Oprah. You know, other casual situations for famous authors.

12. Salman Rushdie

@SalmanRushdie on Twitter

The author of critically-acclaimed magical realism novels shares book updates, asks readers to vote cover designs they like best, and responds to his followers’ questions. By sharing, responding and polling, Rushdie involves his followers in his book’s publishing journey.

13. Atticus

@atticuspoetry on Instagram

The mysterious poet seems to be nowhere and everywhere at the same time. He writes anonymously, but is a New York Times bestseller and Instagram favorite. His poems that are mostly about love, have been shared and re-shared by his followers for years. He has created a massive community that still feels deeply intimate.


When looking for some inspiration or encouragement around building an engaged online community of readers, who do you follow on social media? What do they do that keeps their followers engaged?




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