Business Impact Book Proposal Writing Contest

Breaking through to change and doing better.

2 min readJun 19, 2019


This contest is for those searching to examine the roles business, technology and personal development play in our lives and provide a prescription for change for leaders and anyone else interested in doing better.

Business and self-help genres are provocative supplements to personal growth because they can be formative, even as a quick way to glean a lot of valuable information in a little time. They not only exude considerable, inexhaustible wisdom, they also challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to help readers prototype and test. In many ways, these books allow for the same thing innovation and technology aim to do — create a place where everything you imagine can exist.

Social media marketers, podcasters, coaches, speakers and women in leadership are a just small fraction of those who are stepping up to take on this role. Consider the upward trends of non-linear design thinking and the impacts it is having on success rates for corporates, startups and personal brands.

Look at the generic topic of influence, which centers on compliance and persuasion in a social environment, and it’s encouragement of activists, founders, trendsetters, educators, coaches, entertainers and charismatics to get involved with their communities, political movements, charities and so on. These types lead the way in communicating and adopting new messages and new ways of thinking.

For this book proposal contest, Publishizer is seeking topics on:

business, innovation, sales and leadership, success, money, personal growth, sustainability, influence, peak performance, well-being, creativity, networking, relationships, radical empathy, emotional intelligence, effectiveness, coaches, speakers, startups, entrepreneurs, technology, leadership, habits, change, movement, work flow

Open for submissions now until 15 July 2019.

For more information or to submit your book idea head to:




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