How Publishizer is helping Authors to land a publishing deal

Don’t just share your story with publishers, share it with the world.

4 min readJul 4, 2019


Source: Unsplash — Kaitlyn Baker

Not that long ago, stories about boy wizards felt like a thing of the past. But Harry Potter magically appeared on bookshelves all over the world. It wasn’t a spell or potion that made that happen, it was — apart from talent and a great story — mountains of perseverance and a huge pile of luck from the author that did the trick.

Imagine being an Editor and receiving hundreds, I repeat hundreds, of pitches every week. You might have time to give ten of them your undivided attention and actually work with one or two of them. The stories you chose to work with? The ones that will most likely be turned into successful books. Going off your intuition and past experience, you decide what might become a best-seller without guarantees.

So what if you, as an Author, can show an Editor that your book has selling potential? What if you can confidently say that people are excited to read your work?

That’s where Publishizer comes in.

As a crowdfunding publishing platform, Publishizer gives writers the opportunity to make the publishing industry more democratic. You can pitch your story directly to readers and let them decide whether they’re interested or not. If you acquire a lot of support from potential readers, we will pitch publishers and show them that there is a ready and engaged audience for your story.

It’s a win-win-win situation, because our platform lowers risks for all parties involved. Authors, for starters, get to keep 70% of their Publishizer crowdfunding campaign. They can use this money for things like fulfilling pre-orders, jazzing up their marketing strategy or editing their book. This way, they are more in control during the early stages of the publishing process and don’t feel like their manuscript gets lost in Editors’ slush piles. For Publishers, proposals from Publishizer Authors are more attractive, because they are backed by numbers. Knowing that a group of people is already interested in a specific story lowers the acquisition risk for Publishers. And the benefit for us? Well, we get to disrupt the industry and make sure no great story goes untold.

How can you make sure your story gets told?

  1. Write your Pitch

It all starts with an idea. You don’t need a completed manuscript, finished chapters or polished characters — just your great book idea. You then pitch this idea to one of our Scouts. They will give you feedback and guide you through the entire process from writing a proposal to launching a crowdfunding campaign to finding the right Publisher.

2. Submit your Proposal

With your idea, you can fill out our step-by-step book proposal template and use our useful resources to create a pitch-perfect proposal. Does this sound daunting? Don’t worry, your scout is there to help you get approval from our editorial team.

3. The Campaign Game

This is the part where you have to show the world how committed you are. With the guidance of our articles, resources and of course, your Scout, you will put together a high-performing crowdfunding campaign. The more backers you get, the more likely it is that you’ll attract the interest of an Editor. So, shout it from the rooftops and tell everyone you know that they can be part of this exciting journey. Come up with a list of bonuses for your loyal backers, create a catchy video to tell people about your project and use social media to attract a huge group of supporters. Play the campaign game, you’ve got this.

4. Land a Deal

Did you get more than a thousand backers? Congrats, that’s awesome. In this case, Publishizer will work as your agent to help you negotiate a deal with an Editor at a traditional publishing house. Because of the high amount of interest in your book, it is very likely that we’ll find an Editor who is as interested in publishing it as others are in reading it.

Did your campaign receive between five hundred and a thousand pre-orders from supporters? It is still likely that we’ll be able to find you an interested Editor. Publishizer will take a less active role as agent, but will still assist you in completing a full brief for editors and negotiating a deal.

If you did not reach the minimum goal of five hundred backers, Publishizer will set you up with connections in the hybrid and service publishing world. You’ll be able to contact the perfect match for your idea and work on signing a contract and fulfilling your pre-orders with them.

Ready to tell your story? Pitch an agent at




A Crowdfunding Literary Agency. Enabling great book ideas.