10 Productive Things You Can Do When You Feel Stuck

How to get unstuck when procrastination sets in.

Eric Sangerma


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

We all get stuck sometimes.

The reasons behind it vary. Your tasks have piled up; you can’t decide which one to do first, and, as a result, you aren’t doing anything at all.

Maybe there’s only one big job looming ahead, but it’s not urgent, yet so you keep putting it off.

Or maybe everything’s okay with your workload; you’re just feeling stressed and jittery for no particular reason. You have the urge to do something useful, but you can’t commit to anything serious.

In these situations, you can use a quick productivity sprint to get unstuck.

Here are the rules:

  • Do something genuinely useful. Liking people’s posts on social media doesn’t count (we’ll get back to this one).
  • Do it immediately. As soon as you’ve realized you’re stuck, drop everything and do your productivity sprint. Think of it as an alternative smoking break — it’ll clear your head without endangering your lungs.
  • Set a timer and don’t go over 10 minutes. If you go under it, feel free to return to business as usual, or just rest for a few minutes.
  • Once the timer rings, go back to what…



Eric Sangerma

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericsangerma/