10 Reasons Why People Use Others

And how to avoid them

Big Phil's Nook


Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

Not everyone in this life is on our side. Some people merely use us. They take advantage of us, play games with us, and outright lie to us. Fake flattery, false criticism, and false praise are all ways to control us.

In truth, people frequently take advantage of others to further their agendas at the expense of others, frequently without the intended victim’s knowledge.

Although it may seem sad to you that this is happening in our society, it has been going on for thousands of years. Why? Because it is a characteristic of all people, whether consciously or unconsciously, we all occasionally engage in it.

Learn these 10 reasons why individuals use others by reading this article, along with advice on how to avoid them.

1. People take advantage of other people to get what they desire

One of the most frequent motives for taking advantage of other people is this. Whether it be a favour or a monetary gain, they expect something in return.

In rare circumstances, somebody may be attempting to extort you without your knowledge. To cut his grass, your neighbour, for instance, might be attempting to take your lawnmower.



Big Phil's Nook

A balanced cloud computing expert and founder of Kallimera. I consider myself a world citizen, who gets my inspiration from the people I meet along my journeys.