They come from every corner of the world (except maybe Antarctica). They are one avenue you can take to travel the world…right from your own city & home. Image credit: depositphotos

10 Reasons Why You Should Welcome International Students

Caroline DePalatis


Over 20 years ago my husband and I traveled the Al-Can (Alaska-Canadian Highway) to move from our home in Alaska so I could pursue a graduate degree in California. Little did we know then how our lives would become intimately involved with hundreds — really, thousands — of international students from all over the world.

We took three weeks meandering down the highway — camping, exploring…and praying.

We asked God for a common direction for service. And more thoughtful, sensitive and loving boldness in our Christian faith. We wanted to learn how to really share the Hope that dwells within us in fresh ways.

God answered both prayers. He ran us into a couple working with international students. That ministry outreach — in various permutations — has been a part of our lives ever since.

Here are 10 reasons why we believe reaching out to international students holds so much value. For us. And, if you’re living in any city with a community college or university, perhaps for you, too.

(1) You learn from them, they learn from you.

This is a great way to learn about what people from another culture are like, how they think and what matters to them. Some might say it’s like traveling abroad, but on the cheap!

Image Credit: University of Fraser Valley on Flickr, Creative Commons

Having an international student in your life expands your worldview. It sharpens your understanding of what is going on in the world outside of our borders. It differs from listening to the news, watching a movie or reading a book because of the relational component. You are making a friend across cultural lines. This adds depth to your own understanding.

Do you like to share your expertise? International students are often very eager to learn, especially when it involves English. Remember, in most cases, they are crossing the language barrier.

Sometimes it can be tough, but surprisingly often it can appear seamless (to you). You probably have something to share. It might be about parenting, the stock market, crafting, technology, driving a car, business, bargain shopping, or hiking in the area. Your international student friend is likely to be an interested and avid learner.

(2) They have a need for connection.

International students need relationships with locals, especially families, to genuinely understand what life in their new country of residence is like.

Speaking for the U.S., even now, fewer than 20% of all international students (college-aged and above) ever make it into an American home. So, what are their impressions of this country based upon? You can imagine.

(3) Turn it around.

Think about what it would be like when you visit another country — especially if you live there — to be invited into a local’s home for a special meal, or even just coffee/tea. Wouldn’t that be a memorable experience for your otherwise touristy understanding of the country and its people?

(4) You are an ambassador for your country.

You may not realize it, but you can become the primary means through which your international student friend really comes to know your country’s culture and its people.

No matter what your values or beliefs, you can see that reaching out in this way offers a powerful platform of influence. One person at a time.

This is where true influence happens anyway. You can, indeed, be an ambassador for peace — a true peacemaker — through a single relationship. In the grand scheme of things, this is genuine impact.

(5) International students impact our economy now and will often impact their country — and maybe the world — in the future.

Infographic courtesy of NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisors). The graph above is based on figures for the 2014–15 school year. Full information can be found here.

Taking a quick look at the infographic to the right, you can see the annual impact of the almost one million international students on the U.S. economy. These are 2014–15 figures. Now the amount exceeds a million…and counting.

This is no small figure. Although 2017 has seen a slight drop in international student numbers because of changes in the political climate and Trump administration policies, the overall number of international students in the U.S.— and the financial benefits to the U.S. economy — remains robust.

It’s also important to bear in mind this: over 40% of the world’s current leaders were once international students in the U.S. They are studying abroad during a formative stage of their lives. You can bet their study-abroad experience will influence their future leadership styles and decisions.

(6) Reaching out to them pushes you.

When you live in your own country, without even recognizing it — kind of like the fish in the fishbowl — you can become way comfortable and complacent.

Ok. So you get the idea. It doesn’t need to be this extreme, but….

But being stretched, whether in the gym or through a tough educational program, is healthy for us. It keeps our mind fresh, causes us to take on new territory in our own lives.

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” Perhaps you’ve heard this quotation widely attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt. This means to stretch yourself out of that comfort zone. Try it!

(7) Be a blessing.

Whether you’re riding high, or in a season of slump, reaching outside of yourself and demonstrating genuine interest in and care for others not only blesses them, but it blesses you, too! As this happens, you elevate two people at a time. What a deal!

Some might view it from the perspective of chalking up “karma points.” But if you play that game, you will allow yourself to fall into a trap of always keeping score.

Rather, delight in the process, and you will see the benefits almost immediately. Develop it as a habit, and in time, you will change your life plus impact the lives of those you bless. Good deal!

(8) Compound your interest.

The cool thing about when we invest in relationships most of the time is that we discover we end up getting more good back than we originally thought. It is life enhancing!

There is a story in the Bible about a widow who had a son and had very little food and drink. The prophet Elijah visited her and asked for food. Her initial reaction was one of doubt; she barely had enough for her and her son!

But in obedience, she kneaded a small ball of dough and made bread. God repaid her by filling her vessels with oil and flour so she could make more. Out of her lack, God produced enough.

The application? As we invest of ourselves and especially our limited time, we often receive even more than we expect.

(9) You’ve got someone to visit.

As you develop your friendship with one or more international students, you will develop friends for the long term. They will be changed by what you’ve poured into their lives. You will have an open invitation to visit them in their country and a tour guide to help.

Most cultures do hospitality better than we do in the States, so realize that if you visit them, you will get near-royal treatment. You will likely become a “celebrity” in their family and perhaps among their friends.

And, back to point (3) above, you will get a chance to “get inside” a real family’s life in…China, Ghana, Japan, Germany, Peru, Singapore, Hungary…wherever that student friend is from.

(10) For those who follow Jesus, reaching out this way is an excellent response to the command of loving the stranger in our midst.

Deuteronomy 10:19 in the Old Testament tells the Jewish people to “love the stranger, for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt.”

And in the New Testament, Hebrews 13:1 exhorts Christian believers to “…not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”

Extending this hospitality, the open heart, is the key ingredient in expanding the love of Christ into a hurting world. It may start with obedience but, like the widow mentioned in (8) above, we will discover how God compounds interest in our lives.

So, what’s your excuse NOT to get involved? Can you give me a well-reasoned list of 10 points? Are you ready to explore the next step?

Gain a stronger appreciation of the power & value of reaching out across cultures. Learn what steps you can take. Download our FREE ebook, You can be the Bridge: The CultureWeaver’s Manifesto, to learn more.



Caroline DePalatis

writer • international educator • creative instigator+hope sower: • 15 smart ways to raise a global citizen ➤ 🌎🌍🌏