11 Ways to Quickly Stop Stress in Your Life

How to reduce stress fast and enjoy your day.



Photo by Mahkeo on Unsplash

It seems as though more people are stressed out and anxious than ever before. And in the middle of all of this stress, we start to lose control. We become dependent on over-the-counter drugs, self-indulgence, and escape to try and cope with it all.

We’ve all experienced stress. Whether it is due to our jobs, finances or strained relationships, there is always something that can stress us out.

The problem is this: When it feels like all hell is breaking loose in our lives and we have so much going on it can start to cripple us.

And if this happens, we have much more work to do to get back on track with our lives. When we fall to pieces and don’t want to get out of bed. Or when we finally snap at our boss at work and give them a piece of our mind, we have clean up to do.

But what if we don’t have to deal with this stress all the way until we explode or breakdown?

We can reduce or cope with stress in an instant and then move on with our lives. And when we have the tools to do this, it helps us in the long run.

First, we need to identify when stress is starting to build up inside of us.

The Effects of Stress in Your




Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com