17 Life-Changing Micro Habits That Require Only 5 Minutes (or Less)

Breakthroughs don’t change your life; micro-habits do

Darshak Rana


Micro Habits To Drive a Huge Difference In Your Life in 2023
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

New Year’s resolutions. We all make them, myself included. Drink more water, hit the gym, cut back on social media, be more present, get more sleep, save money… the list goes on.

But by midyear, I could barely remember what I resolved to do.

Why is that?

I finally realized it was because my resolutions were too vague.

Last year, I narrowed down my list to things I thought I could actually accomplish, and I added a crucial element: when, where, and how.

To turn these resolutions into habits, I had to be “specific.”

For example, one habit I was determined to create was drinking enough water. As a fitness enthusiast, I had always neglected this important practice, even after suffering injuries.

Every night, I found myself thinking, “Tomorrow, I’ll make sure to drink more water.”

But tomorrow never came.

So, I took a different approach.

I got a 3-liter water bottle. And put it on my desk, where I could see it all the time. After every call I attended, I would sip some water.



Darshak Rana

Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ Grab your FREE Mental Reset Kit : https://shorturl.at/muJV7