2/20/20 Perfect Vision Day

Are you seeing life clearly?


Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

When we are young, we start life with 20/20 vision. Nothing is fuzzy or blurry. It’s sharp, well defined, ideally in view. As we age, our eyesight begins to fail some. Once crisp, things are now a little blurred. By middle age, we find ourselves reaching for the reading glasses we’ve placed around the house and in our pocket. Later aging, means cataracts may cloud our vision even more. All of this is physical, but there is another side to the story.

We humans also struggle with seeing relationships and personal interactions with 20/20 vision.

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Hindsight is 20/20 vision.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

In youth, we know all the answers and can conquer any challenge. We are Masters of Our World. We know what we want, where we want to go, and how to get there.

As we age, suddenly, things are not as easy to see. Paths get crooked, and somehow we get lost without directions in an unknown land. Relationships we thought would last, end because we lose touch with their value, and so partings happen. Sometimes amicable, sometimes not. Too often, we lose the ones we love because we fail to keep our garden of love, watered, weeded, and fertilized. So everything we planted in it dies. This is due to our eyesight getting blurry. We can’t always see how things are when we can’t view them clearly. Then there is that natural demon, death, who takes someone from us, and we wish we had said more before they passed, but we were too busy.

We lose our sight in other ways too.

Things we think we want and work to get, no longer hold any appeal.

Small things had no interest to us in youth. Later we learn their importance when the time has passed to take them in.

Words we could have said were tossed aside for ones we used as swords.

Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash

Today is 2/20/20.

The day to have perfect vision.

Look at your life.

If you see a broken fence, mend it.

If you see your love garden is wilting, water it, abundantly. Pull out the weeds, feed it, and make love bloom again.

If you notice you carry more swords in your mouth, replace them with peace offerings.

If you realize you no longer know what it is you want in life, figure out what it is you need instead.

If you wear rose-colored glasses, then make sure they are clean, not clouding your view.

This day only happens once in a hundred years, so take advantage. The rest of the year, each month will have a 20/20 day, but not one that tells you to make sure you see clearly. Those remind you to check your sight to keep it perfect.



J.L.Canfield, author, speaker, creative thinker

J. L.Canfield, an award-winning author, writes informative and positive stories. Her pieces can make you think, laugh, and sometimes change your perspective