23 Life Lessons to Help You Become More Successful And Build an Online Audience

From a 23-year-old self-starter

Almar Tagara
4 min readSep 24, 2023


A photo of Almar Tagara.
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On September 4, I’ve turned 23.

As I get older, I have realized different lessons that helped me become a better person. Young people can learn a lot from an older generation. But, you should listen to the people you admire the most.

Experience will teach us different lessons about life, and here are the 23 life lessons I’ve learned that can help you become more successful:

1. Nobody cares about your dreams except you.

Work hard in silence. Let your work ethic speak more than your words.

2. Write on the internet to attract more opportunities.

I’ve received job offers from different companies on LinkedIn because I write on the internet.

Writing on the internet can help you build an audience. It’s one of the fastest ways to find business owners who are interested in your services. You can also create a writing portfolio if you publish a lot of content.

The best creators share their ideas on social media.

If you want to become a Thought Leader in your industry, provide new ways of thinking to help your target audience solve their problems.

3. It’s okay to be different.

Most people want to fit in groups, but this is a big mistake.

You should embrace your own uniqueness because people will find it interesting.

4. Tell interesting stories to build credibility.

Great stories move people. Make your story so powerful that people will cry after they listen to you.

5. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will.

Successful people are known for having a different vision for the future.

6. You learn a lot more through experience.

Trial and error will help us know what works and what doesn’t work if we are trying to solve a new problem. Mistakes are proof that you are making progress.

7. Study human nature to understand other people.

Solve the problems of your ideal readers in your writing, and they will love you.

8. People will copy your work, but they can never duplicate your experience.

Achievements are earned.

9. Rejection is redirection.

You are not a writer if you did not experience rejection.

10. True growth lies outside of your comfort zone.

Have a growth mindset if you want to make progress.

11. Suffering is part of life.

If you are not suffering, it means you’re dead.

12. Trust the process, but you cannot control the outcome.

I learned this from Seth Godin. We should practice our craft if we want to improve our skills.

13. True creativity comes from your subconscious mind.

Creative people love solitude. Take notes of your best ideas if you don’t want to forget it.

14. Read great literature to improve your imagination.

Great writers have a big library. They love words and they understand the value of studying other writers.

15. What other people say about you is more powerful than what you say about yourself.

Successful people care about legacy. They want to be known for their work. But, true success comes from helping other people.

16. If you want to learn how to write great poems, study rap music.

Songs are just poems with music. Great poems appeal to emotions, and listening to rap music can improve our mood.

17. Want other people to read your work? Study copywriting.

Copywriting is the secret sauce for new sales and leads.

Great copy comes from market research. Copywriters can help you acquire new customers. And, they can also create a tone of voice guide for your business.

The best copywriters know how to tell a great story.

18. You cannot please everyone and that’s okay.

New York Times Best-Selling Authors get 1-star reviews on Amazon despite their accomplishments and hard work. For example, Donna Tartt won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2014. But, there are more than 2,000 1-star reviews on her book. The best writers don’t write for everyone.

19. Great leaders create new leaders.

Jesus trained the 12 apostles to share the gospel with other people.

Great leaders lead by example. They also teach their followers new skills. And, they love to receive feedback from their followers.

Leadership is about helping other people get better.

20. Marketing is about solving problems.

The best entrepreneurs are driven by mission.

Elon Musk wants to protect the environment. That’s why he created Tesla. As a result, many people supported him in his goal.

If you want to help others, show them the benefits of joining your tribe.

21. Make a plan for your goals.

If you don’t have a plan for your goals, you will not remember it.

This is why you should create a list. Treat it like a receipt. One step at a time for your dreams.

The plan does not need to be perfect, but you need to create one.

22. The most valuable asset is time.

You cannot buy time.

You can buy a new house. You can also buy great books. But, time lost is never recovered.

So, protect your time from other people if you want to see progress.

23. Solitude is different from loneliness.

Most people think that eating by yourself is not okay.

Introverts value solitude. Most of them want to think deeply about their problems. They want to spend their time on activities that are creative.

If you want to become a great writer, you should value solitude and practice your craft every single day.

Thanks for reading!

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Almar Tagara

Digital Writer | Artist | Ghostwriter| Want to become a Thought Leader in your industry? Connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/almartagarasaas/