3 Benefits of Falling in Love With Your Flaws

How to divert the energy from your dark side to work for you.

Leah Njoki


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

You think you know a person, but one day, they pull a nasty one. They make a mean comment about you, sabotage your work, cheat on or batter their spouse. The picture doesn’t match. Have they been concealing their true selves all along? Is this who they really are?

Thankfully Carl Jung, a Swiss Psychologist solved this riddle when he introduced the concept of the Shadow. Jung taught that we all have a Shadow side, consisting of all the negative qualities we keep under wraps. Essentially, all the flaws you conceal.

However, no matter how repressed, the Shadow is triggered in moments of stress or whenever your insecurities are poked. This explains why the people you think you know so well sometimes make moves that don’t align with who you think they are.

Thankfully, it’s not all gloom because, according to Jung, some positive aspects are hidden beneath your Shadow. Meaning, if you could identify them, you could divert their energy to work for you which would not only make you an authentic human but would also transform your Shadow into an ally.

But here’s the most crucial truth: Unless you embrace your flaws, you can’t harness them to work for you; they’ll always…



Leah Njoki

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