3 Classic Books That Are Still Relevant Today

They still help readers understand the present and analyze the many facets of human nature

George J. Ziogas


© Florian Dussart / Adobe Stock

Italian writer Italo Calvino said that “a classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say.” Regardless of the period in which they were written, classics allow readers to deepen their understanding of the human experience. Their timeless themes continue to guide countless generations of readers as they navigate life.

The many unforgettable characters created by past authors still help modern readers explore the countless ways in which humans think, feel, and act. In other words, classics help readers understand what it means to be human. Classics can even change someone’s outlook on life, society, and the world.

Here are three classics that are still relevant today.

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

“Big Brother is watching you,” warn the ubiquitous posters across the city of Oceania, the totalitarian state in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Born Eric Arthur Blair, the English author wrote his final book to remind his contemporaries of the vulnerability of democracy and its values. A volunteer on the anti-Franco side in the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), Orwell also…



George J. Ziogas

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com