3 Reasons And Rewards For Respecting Gift Of Time.

Lee Nicholson
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2017


Have you ever heard of the man or woman that seen running alongside their bicycle?

A passerby asks “Why are you running alongside your bicycle?”

The ‘running’ man or woman replied: “Because I don’t have time to stop and get on my bicycle.”

Have you ever felt like that?

Time is passing like the speed of light and you worry stopping may cause you to lose an already flimsy grip on time.

It’s a horrible feeling which leaves you unmotivated, frustrated and tired. Unchecked, this could affect your physical and emotional health.

My interest in time management began several years ago. At that time, I not only felt like the ‘running’ man or woman in our example, I was acting like them.

There were continuous deadlines, projects, talks, and duties which enveloped me.

It was like I was falling, arms flapping whilst having pieces of paper suspended in mid-air around me. I am doing my best to gain balance but unsuccessful in keeping control. It left me tired, frustrated and burnt out.

That’s real life. Burnt Out!

The most difficult pill for me to swallow was not for the headaches. Instead, it was I knew others with a similar workload and they weren’t burnt out.


What was the secret?

I know people’s reaction to things is dependent on their own individual personality. I learned that an important part of it comes down to how we manage time.

But, effective time management isn’t having a shiny new app and installing it on devices. If only it was!

No, time management starts in our head and in our hearts. Well, it does for me and my personal experience.

Our heads, in a logical manner reasons there must be a better way of handling all these different pieces of work. Our heart agrees with our heads which provides the motivation to make it work.


First, we know we need it, it’s logical and fits all our reasoning. Second, we know we need it because it’s good for the soul, like chicken soup.

[Tweet ““We pursue time management because it’s logical. Time management soothes the soul like chicken soup.””]

What are some of the reasons to prove effective time management benefits us?

What are the benefits to our own lives for a healthy grip on time?




  • Get Work Done
  • Reach our goals.
  • Gain joy from our work.



  • Limit the amount of stress.
  • Maintain good relationships with others.
  • An optimistic view of our future.


Let’s expand on these three reasons and benefits.

Get Work Done

Who of us enjoys having a load of open tasks and nothing completed? No-one. It’s like cooking a meal but never sitting down to eating it. All that effort, and no reward.

Reach Our Goals

Every day we have different goals of different sizes. When we manage our time in an effective manner to get tasks and projects completed. As a result, we are making consistent steps towards immediate and long-term goals.

Gain Joy From Work

Joy and happiness are very different. Happiness is in most cases affected by our circumstances. Whereas, joy comes from inside and isn’t dependent on circumstances or our environment.

Wise use of time for the good of ourselves and our families will make us feel good about ourselves. It will lift our spirits, and even if we face setbacks we will still have joy.


Limit The Amount Of Stress

Appropriate amounts of stress are good. Stress pushes us to set a reasonable standard for our quality of work. Effective stress makes us reach deadlines but also energizes us to do and give our best.

Too much stress is when we lose sight of our purpose and ‘why’ we are doing things. We start to cut corners in our standard in our work and our self-care.

In our world of distractions galore, we must work hard to learn some time management methods. This will reduce negative effects of stress.

Maintain Good Relationships

When our life feels like a steel ball in a pinball machine it can begin to affect our relationships with others. Unfortunately, they are our loved ones and close friends.

I have no white papers for this following statement. Yet, it seems logical that our family and close friends make up 90% of our support network.

Losing the value that comes from our network of support is not beneficial for productivity or long-term happiness.

Optimistic View Of Future

Most of the time we are trying to handle recurring tasks. These are not one-off projects or assignments that tax us for a few weeks after which we can relax and unwind.

When recurring tasks become too much for us dark clouds of gloom and pessimism move in with no wind to blow them away.

Having a sensible handle on our time can help us move forward handling, balancing and effectively fulfilling our daily tasks.


Are you running alongside your bike?

Do you feel you don’t have the time to stop and get on?

Well, do yourself a big favour and stop for a little while. Use that “pause” time to evaluate where you’re losing the balance.

Is it too many distractions while you’re trying to get things done?

HAve you bitten off more than you can chew, and could you get some help?

There could be a whole number of reasons, and you are the best one to know what might be the underlying reason.

If you could do with some help creating a productive workflow helping you to handle your vital tasks then contact me.

I’d be more than happy to use a FREE 30-minute consultation to see how I could help you.

Since my first episode of burnout, I’ve tried and tested many different methods which helps me to have the best grip on time.

I have boiled those methods down and I decided to use Evernote with GTD (Getting Things Done). These two help me to manage all the different things I need to do.

However, I also have knowledge and experience of other software and techniques that will give you instant impact.

Now, I successfully run a number of short term and long term projects that allow me to have enough time to spend with my family and do the other important things in life.

I’d love to share my experience with you!

If you liked reading this, you’ll find other articles on The Productive Writer which can help you reclaim your time. My goal on The Productive Writer is to help as many as I can THINK, PLAN & ACT Productively. Sign up for my weekly newsletter, and you won’t regret it.

I also have a new Facebook Group where I offer daily thoughts, plans and actions bringing immediate results. Sign up for it and join an existing community of people who GET THINGS DONE!



Lee Nicholson

Lee is the founder of Productive Momentum. His aim is to help all "Think Productively, Plan Productively, Act Productively!" He uses Evernote and GTD.