3 Things I’ve Learned in 24 Years of Marriage

Fools in love, married on a day meant for pranks

Nicole Akers


Photo by Sound On on Pexels

No fooling, I got married on April Fool’s Day. That was 24 years ago.

Celebrating a momentous occasion might make a person feel old.

Let’s face it: men get distinguished with age; women just get old.

Like most things in life it isn’t fair, it just is.

I began to rethink the year, and all that we’ve faced in the form of experiences, challenges, and growth, not only for myself, but for each family member. We’ve all had experiences that add another layer to the intricate tapestry our lives.

I’d say I’m thankful for family, except we don’t really have extended family active in our lives.

Since early on in our marriage, it’s mostly been my partner and myself. We figured out life together. And, when we really had no one else, we had each other.

I’m thankful for my husband and my girls. Through all life has thrown our way, it’s been the four of us.

I wonder what’s next.

It’s a good time to reflect on who I am and who we are as a couple, and as a family.

Over time, and at different stages of life, being happy has meant a lot of different…



Nicole Akers

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.