3 Traits That Make a Woman Desirable Despite Her Appearance

Being a desirable woman stems from how you feel about yourself.

Leah Njoki


Image by Елизавета Кардасева from Pixabay

You’ve probably clicked on this article to prove it’s one of the many cliché pieces of advice on how a woman can become desirable to a man. This isn’t that. This is about a woman becoming highly desirable by spending less time creating an image that suits the societal model of the same and more time harnessing a personal connection with who she is. Truly.

The litmus test of a desirable woman is how she feels about herself despite her physical appearance. No matter who calls you desirable, you’ll never see yourself this way unless you feel it deep down. But when you acknowledge your own charm, you can’t help but draw others to yourself.

My interactions with women from all walks of life and studying high-value women have taught me nuggets of insights that properly encapsulates what it truly means to be a naturally desirable woman. Here’s what I’ve gathered over the years.

1. Possessing a sense of autonomy.

Has this happened to you? You meet someone for the first time, and they treat you like a queen, with gentleness in their voice and a delicateness in their demeanor. You relish this. They ask to meet up again, the…



Leah Njoki

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