3 Unconventional Success Parameters Nobody Taught Us

Your feeling is the compass of your life

Writer's Dream
4 min readJan 3, 2024



Last Saturday, I was not feeling well emotionally.

It was like a void inside me. And I did not know how to cure it.

I went for a 30-minute walk, and there was an improvement in my emotions.

Since childhood, everybody taught us to get good grades in school and college to get a high-paying job. We know the first aid medicine for common physical ailments, but we do not know the medicine for emotional sickness. Nobody taught us how to maintain inner calm when we are in crisis. We know life is successful if you have material possessions. For a successful life, you need to be emotionally wealthy.

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” — Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh

You can teach yourself to succeed on three unconventional parameters that matter in life, but nobody teaches you.

#1. Your feeling is the compass of your life

In school, we all had to pass in different subjects. The exam score was the parameter of our credibility.

How many of you felt a connection with any subject you studied?

I remember I loved to write school essays. Writing and painting took me to a different world.

I wish somebody had asked me which subject I loved.

Action Item :

  • Whether you are a school student or doing a 9–5 job, ask yourself what you like the most doing.
  • If you do not know the answer, try as many extracurricular activities as possible and check your feelings.
  • Whatever gives you ecstasy without external motivation, do more of that work.

The idea is to be in the flow state for a long time. The positive energy you create will help you to do the boring and mundane job that you do not like.

Ask yourself two questions:

  1. Would you do something your entire life that you do not enjoy but you get appreciation from your family and friends?
  2. Would you do something that makes you ecstatic despite any appreciation?

#2. How do you live alone and be happy?

We learn many social etiquette to mingle with people.

We cannot survive without any loved ones beside us.

I am not suggesting you become an individualist who does not need anyone.

I am telling you to acquire the life skills to survive happily without anyone.

You never know what life might throw at you.

I’ve lived alone for the last 1.5 years. Few people can imagine living alone.

Here are a few action items to be self-sufficient if you live alone.

  1. Start daily writing whatever comes to your mind.
  2. Go for a walk whenever you get time.
  3. Develop some hobbies like painting, embroidery, learning music, and dancing.
  4. Cook your food.
  5. Go minimalist — the more you possess things, the more you worry about maintenance.

Nobody told us that life becomes successful if you manage to be happy living alone.

#3. Benefits of early financial freedom

The COVID pandemic has made us think about early financial freedom.

Now, thanks to the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early), we know the benefits of it. A few years ago, I knew I could retire only at 60.

I don’t remember any school book teaching us this concept.

The compounding effect in finance is magic that can help you grow money with some financial discipline.

Action Item

  1. Take help from an accountant and start investing regularly. It need not be a hefty amount — invest any small amount you can. After a decade, you will see the magic of compounding.
  2. Try to clear all your debts and loans early in life so that you do not have a financial burden later in life.
  3. Before spending your hard-earned money, think about whether you need to make a purchase.

Life is successful when you can attain financial freedom early in life and do the work that gives you happiness and soul satisfaction.


To summarise, take care of the following things to have a better relationship with your life — a life to be proud of.

  1. Listen to your feelings in every situation or decision you make.
  2. Develop the skills to live alone and be happy.
  3. Take small steps to attain early financial freedom.

How do you live a life you’re proud of?

Click here to get a free ebook on how to be emotionally strong.



Writer's Dream

Aspiring writer. I write about online writing and simple lifestyle tips. Let's connect : https://online-writing-lifestyle-productivity.ck.page/profile