3 Ways to Nourish Your Life Now

Nancy Booth
Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2018


What do you long for in your current life? How nourished are you? What would it look like, feel like, sound like if you were living a nourished life?

The dictionary defines nourished in three ways:

· supplied with what is necessary for life, health, and growth.

· cherish, foster, keep alive

· strengthen, build up, or promote

I think all three of these definitions play a part in looking at how you nourish your life now.

Supply Yourself with What is Necessary for Life, Health and Growth

Take time to reflect and assess.

What is feeding your life right now and getting or keeping you healthy?

For example, examine your eating habits. Nutrition plays a big part in how we feel — both physically and emotionally about ourselves. Many websites, like Mayo Clinic, give suggestions on what to eat, how much to eat, to have a healthy lifestyle.

Eating nutritionally is more about health than a diet. My Fitness Pal and Fitbit have ways to record what you eat so you know how balanced you are. 4

I have found as I have lost weight, eating nutritionally becomes more of…



Nancy Booth

As a lover of God and creator of safe spaces, visit www.mysacredmoments.com to discover ways to develop intimacy with God and and more conversations with Him.