4 Efficient Ways a Short Sleep Ritual Optimises Your Entire Next Day

5 minutes of planning saves you 5 hours the next day. It’s a win-win!

Sanjeev Yadav


Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard on Unsplash

Sleep debt is not a myth.

I have learned multiple times the hard way that even one night of disturbed sleep can derail your next day’s performance and impact your subsequent days if left unchecked.

Optimising your day before waking up provides mental clarity so that we don’t juggle with guesswork until noon.

When optimising my time for the Covid-era, I finished most of my work by lunchtime, so there was not much to do after 3 pm.

But since the circumstances have changed, I have to optimise my entire day after the morning gym; otherwise, Instagram and Threads are where I live.

Enter sleep ritual.

I assumed a sleep ritual was about guaranteeing quality sleep. But it’s much more than that.

It’s about optimising your next day, analysing your current day briefly, practising gratitude for your mental health, and providing a quick wind-down for your thoughts.

Since our metabolism slows down around bedtime, indulging in stressful activities is unhealthy and doing any mentally demanding task is impossible.

That’s why the 4 part sleep ritual I’m about to share will focus on wrapping your day and optimising your next day.

#1. 5 minutes of planning to save 5 hours.

When I plan my day 4 hours after waking up and returning from the gym, many interruptions and responsibilities don’t help me focus.

What helps is devoting 5 minutes before bedtime to planning an overview of the next day.

For example, usually, I don’t write after lunchtime. But when I do, the schedule needs to be strict; otherwise, distractions rule my mind.

Before sleeping, I quickly noted the tasks I needed to finish today and highlighted the essential ones. The second part is important.

When you make a list and finish only the essential tasks, the thought of not completing the remaining less important tasks fades away because, ultimately, you have done the jobs that move the needle most.

That’s what energy and time management are all about. Use the limited time we all get to accomplish goals priority-wise.

#2. Screen time around bedtime is a no-go.

Disconnection from technology 2 hours before bedtime is what I struggle with most because I am a content creator on Instagram and Threads (Medium also).

What helps me control the urge to check social media is 10 minutes of evening walks outdoors. 10 minutes is all you need to appreciate your life outside the internet and reconnect with yourself.

I’m nervous about checking my screen time because I fear I can’t face the truth. So, small steps like an evening walk without my phone are the first step towards overcoming this addiction.

#3. Journaling to slow down your thoughts.

The power of gratitude couldn’t be stressed enough.

After five months of break with journaling, I started with weekly frequency a month ago. Now, I am back with daily journaling before bed because it removes all the worry that would affect our sleep experience.

For example, all the wild thoughts and fake scenarios you imagine while trying to fall asleep, write them down. Don’t stop until you want to. Eventually, you’ll gradually feel the mental pressure relieving.

5 minutes of writing down your thoughts ensures 7 hours of peaceful sleep. I couldn’t find a better investment.

#4. Skincare for a healthy start.

Skincare is more about waking up with a refreshed mind rather than optimising your entire day.

Skincare becomes more crucial when you are under the Sun regularly and are exposed to dust.

Skincare has become part of my sleep ritual because it helps me wake up in a refreshed mood.

Washing your face and brushing your teeth seem like cliché pointers, but they ensure the next step is to gravitate to bed instead of surrendering to Netflix-binge, emotional eating, or hanging out with friends.

After brushing, all I can think about is sleep because there’s no way I’m eating anything after I’ve flossed for the day.

Closing thoughts

Tweaking my sleep ritual to support my well-being took longer than I thought. I’m still making improvements.

But the common denominator in all sleep rituals is that they guarantee a peaceful sleep, wake you up with a refreshed attitude, and optimise your day in advance to save time.

My sleep ritual helped me publish this article, something I’ve been putting on for five weeks. If I can accomplish challenging tasks like writing at any time of the day, there is no task you can’t fit into your day.

Plan ahead, wind down with intention and slowly reduce your screen time to see the positive impact of sleep rituals on your well-being and productivity.

Here is a recap for your memory:

  1. 5 minutes of planning will save you hours the next day.
  2. Your eyes need a breather, too. Avoid screen time by connecting with nature or your people offline.
  3. Journaling slows down your thoughts that would otherwise prevent you from falling asleep.
  4. Skincare is a healthy constraint that limits you from engaging in tempting activities.

Expecting you to follow all my shared steps is impractical and mentally demanding. Start with the habit that feels most effortless, and then come back to pick another one.

Best of luck!

Sanjeev is a mentor, writer, and gymrat from India. He talks about lifelong learning, shopping, and positive psychology all day. When he’s not engaging with students in solving their doubts or busy writing, he’s sweating either in a workout, vlogging, or testing his cooking skills. Apart from Medium, he’s active on Instagram and Threads.



Sanjeev Yadav

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai