4 Effortlessly Positive Changes a Cat Adds to Your Well-being

Care and nurturing is a symbiotic relationship

Sanjeev Yadav


Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

I am writing as my cat is staring at my computer while resting on my lap and kneading on my right forearm.

I am not a fan of dogs because of childhood trauma and a lot of run-and-chase marathons. So, when I was stoned and saw the opportunity to adopt one of my friend’s cats, I grabbed the opportunity and took the youngest cat for obvious reasons ( he was the cutest ).

Although my friends convinced me that owning a cat won’t be a financial nightmare and they require lesser care than dogs, the first week with my cat Jim was new for him and me both. Spoiler alert: I named him Jim when I was stoned because it sounds exactly like gym.

I came home and confirmed with my flatmates that none of them had any serious concerns about living with a pet cat. So, we took care of Jim together while helping him get familiar with his new home.

Now it’s four months since I have been providing for Jim. Even though I thought owning a pet would disrupt my life and interfere with my freedom to travel, here are four counter-intuitive ways owning a pet has improved my life in many ways.

#1. Companionship.

Once I heard about a friend’s widower dad passing away. The news shook me because I also have only one parent and his health is not at its prime.

After hearing the news, I shared the update with my flatmate in a trembling voice and then came back to my room crying.

I have no idea if pets have an advanced sense to understand human emotions, but Jim did not leave my lap for the next couple of hours.

He sat near me and comforted me unless I fell asleep and woke up 5 hours later to feed him.

#2. It makes you more considerate.

Cats are the epitome of laziness, but they also have quick reflexes. It means when I touch on a sensitive point, he reacts quickly and sometimes even hides in an almost unreachable area when I unintentionally hurt him.

Owning a pet cat has made me more considerate of other people’s feelings because it has taught me to be gentle with people.

Understanding other people’s feelings is a direct indicator of how comfortable you are about facing your own insecurities.

When we are in touch with ourselves, we project the same confidence outward.

#3. Stress management.

One of the reasons I got Jim was for stress management. A cat's purr is healing because of its soothing vibration.

Once I experienced the therapeutic effect of Jim’s purr, he has become my default and cost-effective remedy for stress.

I am writing this article as Jim is sitting on my lap and kneading with both his hands on my right forearm. It is comforting, soothing, and surprisingly a great catalyst for creativity, only if my right hand were free to type all the letters.

#4. Likability.

Becoming more likeable was also one of the reasons I adopted Jim, but later it became a side benefit that came as a result of a caring attitude.

Owning a pet increases your attractiveness because it shows you are a caring person.

Many friends come to my home for the sole purpose of playing with Jim and we end up talking about random things for hours. Two friends even got toys.

Some friends even suggested creating a separate Instagram for Jim, but that’s an idea I am still keeping under wraps.

Owning a pet is good for your well-being, and when you are happy, it radiates in your social circles, and people will want to be around you.

Closing thoughts

Owning a pet is a big decision because you’ll have the responsibility of taking care of and nurturing another living being.

One of the most evident benefits of owning a pet is that it can neutralise the loneliness inside you.

Before, when all my flatmates used to go out, all I had to save my mental sanity was music.

But now that I have Jim, I can be alone for however long I have to because I’m a cat dad.

Here are three ways owning a pet cat can positively impact your well-being:

  • You’ll barely feel lonely.
  • You’ll develop empathy.
  • You’ll have a 24x7 stress management system.
  • You’ll be more likable because it shows a caring attitude.

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Sanjeev is a mentor, writer, and fitness enthusiast from India. He writes about lifelong learning, personal growth, and positive psychology. When he’s not engaging with students in solving their doubts or busy writing, he’s sweating either in a workout, vlogging, or petting his cat, Jim. He’s also putting fire on Instagram and Twitter.



Sanjeev Yadav

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai