4 Highly Toxic Habits Most People Mistake as Positive

You might want to get rid of some.

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2021


We live in a world that has not only normalized but also positivized toxicity.

So it’s easy to mistake highly toxic habits as positive and fall prey to them. I want to share 4 such habits with you.

I also want to convince you to get rid of these — so I’ll explain my rationale, go over my experience, and back my claims with scientific evidence.

Hustling Hard

With the rise of the noxious hustle culture, working all day every day has come into vogue.

Hustle late into the night. Start hustling again early in the morning. Take only 5-minute breaks. Hustle. Kill your social life. Hustle. Sleep-deprived? No problem, keep hustling.

But this is detrimental to your health. With research directly linking overwork and depression, it’s no wonder that worldwide depression is at an all-time high. What’s even worse is that—Japan, notorious for long working hours, reported more suicide deaths than even pandemic-related ones.

Did I mention how people are literally dying from overwork? It’s so rampant that the Japanese and Chinese have legal terms for it — “Karoshi and “Guolaosirespectively.



Neeramitra Reddy

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