4 Keys to Unlocking a World-Class Executive Assistant

What to look for when hiring an executive assistant

William Ballard, MBA
Published in
10 min readAug 3, 2020


Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio

I recently read a pretty interesting book by Michael Hyatt, entitled “Your World-Class Assistant: Hiring, Training, and Leveraging an Executive Assistant.” It’s a quick read but well worth it. Inside, it mentioned some very important keys to look for when selecting a “world-class assistant” and so I thought I would share those with you here.

Now, whether you directly hire an Executive Assistant or use some type of agency that provides Virtual Assistant services, these four keys are essential no matter which option you take. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to both, and we will touch on some of those towards the end of this article.

With that said, regardless of the responsibilities and/or task you decide to delegate, you are looking for someone that can do more than complete the assignments. Skills are important (and it is one of the four keys we will talk about in this article), but they are only the starting point for selecting the kind of assistant that is right for you and your operation.

Your ideal candidate must possess much more than just skills to be a solid member of your team, they must also possess aptitude, attitude, and character — at least that is what Michael…



William Ballard, MBA

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth: https://bit.ly/3M9ztvm