4 Outstanding Quotes I’ve Stuck on My Desk Wall for 400+ Days Now

Life-changing diamonds of wisdom worth rehashing daily

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2022


Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash

Quotes are wisdom cheat codes.

But with every John, Mary, and their mothers spamming them all over social media, we’ve reduced quotes to banal feel-good copes.

As a voracious reader and writer, I’m desensitized to the daily glib quote-blizzards—you know, the cliche “Never give up” and “Work in silence. Let success make the noise.”

But rarely, I encounter a quote that pierces through my heart in a sudden gasp of breath.

Even rarer are the quotes that, even on the zillionth reread, inspire and humble you.

I want to share 4 such quotes — ones I’ve stuck on my desk wall and, even 400 days later, remain as valuable.

“When in Doubt, Examine Your Intentions”

People often say, “Intentions don’t matter. Actions do.”

I say absolute bullsh*t.

A true right intention can’t help but translate into the right action.

If a “good” intention doesn’t produce the right action, it’s only a facade — hiding an ill intention at a…

