4 Powerful Ways a 21 Day Water Fast Changed My Life

How drinking nothing but water propelled me into total greatness

Renée Kapuku


Photo by Adrienn from Pexels

I love food. I mean I REALLY love food.

Imagine my internal shock and horror when my church announced that we’d be fasting. Continuously. Just water. For 21 days.

Yep. Nothing but water would enter my system for 21 days.

I was secretly terrified. I knew I had an attachment to food. Even though I ate relatively clean, I’d let myself go a little bit more as I was currently in a bulking period. I was used to eating lots of food, to satiety and beyond, every single day. I was either eating or very full. I don’t think I had experienced hunger for at least 6 months.

As a Christian, fasting is a necessary part of the relationship we build with God. In fasting, we deny ourselves the indulgence of the flesh in order to open our spirits to greater intimacy and dependency on God.

In non-religious circles, fasting has been used as a detox tool to cure illnesses reset the system, and kick-start the journey back to a healthier lifestyle emotionally and physically. Being the nerd that I am, I spent days on end in the lead up to the beginning of the fast trying to amass as much information as possible.



Renée Kapuku

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