5 Proven Ways To Improve Memory Fast (Even as You Age)

Science says you can train your brain

Saleem Rana
8 min readMar 19, 2023


Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

“How do you improve memory?”

You may ask yourself this question if you’re embarrassed by how often you forget things.

Perhaps you forget trivial things, like the names of people you’ve just met. Or worse, you forget important things, like picking up your spouse from the airport.

You could blame it on age, but the good news is you can improve your memory. Don’t wait until it gets worse.

Let’s look at some proven ways that (if applied) can give you the memory boost you need.

1. Optimize Your Health with Nutrition and Diet

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Eating the right foods can significantly improve your brain health and memory.

In addition, reducing your sugar intake will keep your cognitive capacity sharp.

Some top brain foods include eating fatty foods, drinking coffee, and spicing some meals with turmeric.

Consuming anti-inflammatory foods and drinking green tea can further support your brain health.

Additionally, omega-3s and antioxidants are beneficial to your brain health. Salmon, trout, and sardines combat inflammation and oxidative damage in the brain.

You can boost your energy levels and add fiber to your diet by eating nutrient-dense berries like blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries. These tasty fruits will keep you alert all day, and their flavonoids can help improve your memory.

It is essential not to forget eggs because the yolks contain choline, which increases the amount of acetylcholine in the body.

Aside from foods and supplements, vitamins B12 and D are vital in optimizing cognitive function.

You can get vitamin B12 from nutrient-dense, choline-rich foods. For example, eggs, poultry, seafood, leafy greens, and dairy products are excellent sources.

Take advantage of the sun, eat more fish and seafood, or eat more mushrooms (which contain vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light).

Additionally, staying hydrated while doing anything mentally or physically strenuous is vital to ensuring your memory functions at its best. Drinking plenty of water improves concentration, reduces fatigue, and maintains overall health.

2. Get Smart & Healthy with the Right Mind & Body Plan

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How to increase brain power and memory?

First, meditation and music can enhance your cognitive abilities. People have practiced meditation for centuries because it provides numerous physiological benefits. This simple practice involves focusing on your breath and allowing distracting thoughts to pass without judgment. Music — particularly a calming piece — positively affects mental health and cognitive abilities. It can reduce stress, increase focus, and improve memory.

Next, play brain games like puzzles, chess, and memory games to sharpen your mind. Reading, too, strengthens cognitive abilities, such as concentration and problem-solving.

Then, exercise regularly to improve blood flow to your brain, and Cardio exercises improve memory. Yoga, swimming, and running also provide many physical advantages.

These practices can sharpen your mind if done alone, but when combined, they work best. A healthy lifestyle centered around physical activity and mental exercise can boost memory.

3. Supercharge Your Day with Better Sleep at Night

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How do you continue to improve your memory as you age?

The answer is to learn how to sleep better. In other words, improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Getting enough quality sleep is essential for restoring physical and mental health. It can enhance your mood, concentration, and creativity.

7 Golden Rules of Sleep Hygiene

Create a Bedtime routine: Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help you relax and ease into sleep.

Reduce screen time: Turning off screens an hour before bedtime will avoid interference with your circadian rhythm. Limiting screen time helps you wind down and prepare your body for sleep.

Exercise regularly: Exercise earlier in the day helps keep your circadian rhythms in check and provides physical benefits that promote better sleep. Do yoga or stretching exercises if you need to exercise before bed because of your busy schedule.

Time your meals: Eating two to three hours before sleep helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Avoid stimulating foods or beverages: These can range from spicy foods to caffeine, sugar-rich foods, and alcohol.

Make your bedroom cozy: Creating a comfortable sleep environment free of distractions or clutter will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Get enough sleep: Figure out how much rest you need. You need enough sleep to wake up full of energy the next day. Sleep quality at night can positively impact your overall physical and mental health, contributing to greater productivity during the day and a better quality of life.

4. Reduce Stress to Improve Quality of Life

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Stress relief techniques improve your quality of life and make learning and remembering things easier when you study. Try the following suggestions:

Invest Time in Hobbies and Fun Activities

In addition to providing a sense of balance, these can restore much-needed peace of mind.

Limit Your Screen Time

Let your nervous system recover from muscular tension by taking a break from intense activity. Do something fun to relieve your stress.

Take Regular Breaks From Your Studies

This will give your brain time to reflect and get insights about what you’ve been learning.

Try a Proven Stress-Busting Practice

Meditation is one of these stress-reducing activities and encourages you to concentrate on calming elements such as mantras or breathing. Meditation has numerous benefits — not to mention its ability to foster a more positive outlook during difficult times, which reduces cortisol levels and develops coping skills.

Spend Time in Nature

You can boost your mental well-being by spending time in the great outdoors. Looking at the birds and the bees brings you back to your center of harmony.

Build Healthy Relationships

Social solid connections can buffer the effects of life’s difficulties. When faced with new tasks or projects, ask your family, friends, and colleagues for their advice. They can help reduce your anxiety. Ask them for their advice on your problems when tackling new projects.

Creating a holistic approach to stress relief will enable you to manage stress better and lead a more balanced life.

5. Remember Anything with Proven Memory Techniques

Leaving out important details about something can be frustrating, especially if you risk botching a critical job or losing credibility at work.

7 Highly Effective Memory Techniques

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Here are a few memory techniques that can help you recall information quickly and efficiently to remember essential facts and figures. Use them all, or select a few.

1. Chunking

Organize your material into meaningful chunks.

This memory technique will help you to identify the main points and understand the overall structure of the material.

It also makes it easier to remember information by grouping related facts into one manageable piece.

For example, you can break down a chapter in a book into smaller sections, such as a list of subheadings or a paragraph into critical points.

2. Visualization

Create mental pictures of things and make mental associations between them.

This memory technique allows the brain to store information more creatively and meaningfully, and it helps create stronger connections between related topics and makes it easier to recall information.

For instance, if you want to remember the name of a river, think of it as a snake winding its way through a landscape and imagine yourself standing on its banks.

3. Rehearsal

Practice and repeat information out loud to improve short-term memory.

This memory technique is helpful for simple things you’ve just heard. Actors often use it to remember their lines because it helps to ingrain the information into the brain and makes it easier to recall without overthinking. But it’s too exhausting and time-consuming to remember when studying a large body of information.

For example, repeating a phone number out loud several times until you can remember it without looking at it is a simple way to use rehearsal and drills to improve short-term memory.

4. Mnemonic Devices

Use rhymes, acronyms, and encoding techniques to remember information.

This memory technique helps connect the information you are trying to remember with something familiar. These connections make it easier to recall information without overthinking.

For instance, the acronym ‘ROY G BIV’ is used to remember rainbow colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet).

5. Elaborative Rehearsal

Connect newly acquired information to existing knowledge to create a mental framework for storing data.

This memory technique works by forming connections between new information and existing knowledge; you create a structure in your mind that can be easily navigated and retrieved. This technique helps to make remembering relevant information easier for extended periods.

For example, if you are trying to remember the list of items you need to pick up from the store, you can associate each item with a room in your house, allowing you to recall the things when you go to those rooms quickly.

6. Memory Palace

Use memory techniques such as memory palaces to store and retrieve information.

Practice active recall by retrieving information from memory through problem-solving and answering questions.

This memory technique allows you to store information systematically, making it easier to recall. Active recall helps you strengthen your memory by pushing yourself to think of and use the information meaningfully.

For instance, you can use a memory palace to store information about the planets in the solar system and use active recall to answer questions about the order of the planets.

7. Teaching or Self-questioning

Teach someone else to solidify your understanding. This will work if you’re studying something with a friend or you have someone eager to learn what you’re studying.

This memory technique forces you to review the material to explain it in a way that makes sense to the listener.

Alternatively, if you don’t have anyone to teach, asking yourself questions encourages you to think more deeply about the material, connecting facts and ideas you may not have seen before.

For instance, if you’re learning about photosynthesis, you could ask yourself questions like “How does the light energy from the sun affect the plants?” or “What is the purpose of chlorophyll?”.

You’ll See Results in No Time

Adopting healthy habits and using proven memory techniques in this article can improve your memory in as little as 30 days.

Think about how much more productive you will be if you can recall things quickly, accurately, and impressively — like a memory virtuoso. Make a plan today based on the information you just learned.

You’ll be on the road to better brain power faster than you think.

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Saleem Rana

I'm Saleem Rana. I'm interested in human flourishing and aspire to help readers discover how to be the best version of themselves..