5 Smart Ways to Drastically Boost Your Monthly Savings

Boosted savings = higher investments = greater wealth

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
5 min readDec 17, 2021


Building wealth is simple — increase your income, limit your spending, invest prudently. Rinse, repeat, and let compounding do its magic.

Simple doesn’t mean easy though— if it were, the world would be rampant with millionaires, not debt-ridden households.

While most work hard and get timely pay raises, they fail to limit spending. Falling prey to lifestyle inflation, even the “richest” of folk rack up debt and save little to none.

I want to share 5 clever ways to supercharge your savings —when you save and invest more, your wealth inevitably goes up.

Do This to Your Purchases

In this era of consumerism, it’s never been harder to not buy something.

Like kids attracted to candy, we rush to purchase worthless things — armed with our limitless credit cards.

“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”

Dave Ramsey

Come a few weeks, months, or years — and those things are dust-catching sources of regret. We think…

