5 Strategies to Prevent Cabin Fever When Working From Home

Reinvent your daily habits.

Melissa Chu


photo credit: Annie Spratt

What formerly caused eyebrows to rise and stir up feelings of envy has now become not only a benefit, but an expected part of work. People are working from home more than ever. In fact, research shows that remote work has grown by 159 percent from 2005 to 2017.

Companies and employees alike are increasingly recognizing the benefits of working remotely. Remote workers report being more satisfied, less stressed, and feeling healthier than the average worker. When you work within an environment of your own choosing, it’s understandable that you feel happier during the day.

But just as there are benefits, there are drawbacks.

The Drawbacks of Working From Home

There can be distractions that come with working outside the office. Family members can cause noise or want to interact while you’re trying to focus. Entertainment devices nearby entice you to watch TV instead of work.

Then there’s the blur between work life and home life. Your mind isn’t fully on work while you’re working, but it isn’t completely relaxed after hours in the evenings either. When both components of your life are under one roof, it’s hard to separate the two.



Melissa Chu

I write about living better, creating great work, and making an impact. Get your guide to achieving your goals at http://jumpstartyourdreamlife.com/welcome.