6 Spiritual Habits That Boost My Energy and Performance at Work

I don’t wake up at 5 am or take a cold shower.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi


Image by the author

Here’s a secret — some of our core strengths at work come from something outside of work. Find them and use them to your advantage.

I don’t think I’m productive or try extra hard to be disciplined.

But I’ve been working out and eating healthy for 8 years. For the longest time, I didn’t realise that this helped me:

  • be disciplined
  • delay gratification
  • show up consistently

I started working out to shed 50lbs and I developed these skills along the way. Now, working out is a habit, and eating healthy is a lifestyle.

It’s effortless.

But being fit has helped me be sane as a self-employed writer — a benefit I didn’t expect.

As a writer online, it’s easy to give up or keep chasing traction. But this hasn’t been an issue with me.

Here are my daily spiritual habits that help me boost my creativity and performance.

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.”William Shakespeare

