7 Simple Steps Toward a Healthier You.

He told me three times, in two minutes, I was morbidly obese.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
6 min readJun 2, 2020


Something I have resisted talking about is my weight. Yes, I am overweight. The last time I was the ideal weight for my height, I was five.

You are allowed to laugh, like many people, I use humour to hide any self-esteem issues.

Morbidly Obese

I have had a bad back for many months. I don’t go to doctors. So it was bad. Right at the bottom of my spine. Enough was enough, I made an appointment.

The doctor did a minimal examination, he asked where it hurt and made me stand up. Yes, that was it. Then he asked the question many of us dread, can you get on the scales?

I tried leaning to one side, it didn’t work.

He then asked how tall I was, he wouldn’t believe I was 7ft. More tapping on his computer commenced. Then he uttered the words I was dreading, you are morbidly obese.

Ok, so what about my bad back. That’s because I am morbidly obese. He said it again. At my old age, I’m 44, my body can no longer cope with the excess weight because I am morbidly obese. Wow, three times in two minutes.

The conversation went on a couple more minutes and I left. No pain killers or…



Sam H Arnold

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