9 Unheard-Of 2-Minute Habits to Save (at Least) 20 Hours a Week

Science-backed techniques you’ve likely never come across before

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2023


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I’m tired of wading through the “2-min habits” swamp.

Make your bed. Take 3 deep breaths. Express gratitude. Drink a glass of water. Visualize your goals. Stand erect. Chant “I’m the sh*t” affirmations. Use a physical alarm clock.

Not bad advice — but rehashed to death.

I’m guilty of contributing a drop or two to this cesspool as well.

But today’s article is a gust of fresh air.

I’ve compiled 8 little-known productivity tactics backed by science — and honed over time.

Unlike most “2-min habits”, these are proven to save time and increase your productivity manifold.

1. Ivy Lee’s 100-Year-Old Method

Elite productivity coach Ivy Lee has saved top CEOs and entrepreneurs 1000s of hours.

His core method is deceptively simple:

  • Before going to bed, jot down your 6 top ToDos for the next day.
  • Sort them according to importance.
  • The next day, focus only on the first task — until it’s done, don’t touch the other tasks.

