A Book Will Not Change Your Life

It doesn’t matter how many of them you read.

Desiree Peralta


Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

We have been fooled our entire lives.

Since we were little, we have been conditioned to believe that books are the doors to wisdom. The more you read, the more you will learn and the more successful you can be.

At school, teachers tell us that the children who will have a future are those who are focused on reading the books they provide us. And those who are not interested in those books will not get anywhere.

I followed this philosophy for a long time, believing that the more I read, the better I would do in life. I spent at least an hour every day reading about things that could help me grow in every area of my life.

But then, I wouldn’t get what I wanted after reading a book. My life was the same. I felt trapped like I was doing something wrong, especially when I saw people who hadn’t read a single book and were having incredible success.

And there I realized something important.

A book can’t change our lives, no matter how many we read—not unless this happens after.

A book will not have an impact on your life until you take action.



Desiree Peralta

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/