A Lesson In Gratitude

Christine Graves
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2019


Dodging the curveball

Photo by Ryan Hutton on Unsplash

I was given an unexpected and totally jacked up lesson in gratitude. I know I should be grateful for all that I’ve been given. I have a great husband and a beautiful grandbaby, I have a fantastic job and I get to write out all the stories in my head. But the universe decided to throw me a curve ball, then used it to teach me a valuable lesson.

About a year ago, our well house burned down in the process of trying to thaw out a frozen pump. We live in the country and had a lot of dry wood lying around. It didn’t take much for it to catch a spark and go up in flames. In the end, we lost the well house and the electric pole next to it. It was around the end of January/first part of February. It was cold, we had no electricity or heat, and had to rely on the kindness of friends. It sucked, but we survived and it brought our family closer together.

Fast forward just under a year later and picture a warmer-than-usual January afternoon. It’s a sunny day of about 50°. It was a rather typical Monday at work until I got a call from the hubby. He and one of the kids decided to burn some old lumber lying around, trying to clean up the property. The wind picked up and before they knew it, half the property was on fire. I was so mad, I was in tears.



Christine Graves

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.