A Love Letter to Myself for 2025
What doesn’t make you feel alive has no purpose in your life.
Dear me,
When you were little and dreamed of being an adult, you didn’t imagine half of the things you have now. You exceeded all the expectations you ever set for yourself. You created a version of yourself that you never thought you could reach.
So stop for a moment and start appreciating everything you have accomplished because it has been more than enough, even if many times you don’t believe it.
Stop using your cell phone so much. It’s an addiction that has taken away too many memorable moments with your loved ones. Every time you find yourself using your phone too much, think about all the happy times you’ve had in the past. None of them involved checking social media.
Stop being afraid of doing things alone. You are completely capable of doing them by yourself. You just have to find your why. You can go to the gym alone. You can travel alone again. You can see that movie alone. You don’t need anyone else to do the things you want, so stop using that as an excuse not to do them.
There’s nothing wrong with you. Your personality has made you unique. Your crazy jokes make you special, and your way of acting, laughing, and seeing life has made many people…