A Men and a Woman Can’t Be Friends

Unless this happens first.

Desiree Peralta


Photo by Trinity Kubassek

I met John at my summer job when I was 16.

We had the company warehouse to ourselves, where we organized the files and managed the technology that came in and out daily. We used to try to finish our daily tasks as fast as we could so we could rest the whole afternoon and talk about life.

And we were pretty good at talking. It was like we clicked the moment we met. I had never met someone with a mind so similar to mine.

We became inseparable there and did everything together during these three months in the summer job. Other employees used to call us the evil twins because we made pranks and jokes all around the office.

Then, the day of returning to school and our reality came. I thought John would disappear from my life, but the distance brought us together even more.

We talked daily on the phone, texted each other with little updates about our lives, and decided to go to college together.

When we finished school, we decided to celebrate at the beach. We had a small picnic in front of the sea and talked about everything we would do when we entered university.

At some point, he tried to kiss me, and I rejected him.



Desiree Peralta

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/