A Quote by Larry L. King and Why I Like It

K. Kris Loomis đź“š
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2018


A Writer’s Quote Series: Episode Eight

photo by stanciuc1 on Depositphotos

I dig the directness of this quote from the playwright and novelist, Larry L. King:

“Write. Rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.”

I like this quote because it cuts to the crux of a writer’s life.

Problem is, most of us spend an embarrassing amount of time looking for a shortcut when we could be spending that time creating, when we could be following the straightforward advice in this quote to get us closer to our writing dreams.


This is first on the list because it’s non-negotiable. If you want to be a writer, you must write.

Reading about writing is not writing. Talking to other writers about writing is not writing. Watching webinars about how other writers became successful is not writing.

These are easy traps to fall into, and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t gotten sucked into the sticky not-writing-but-convince-myself-I’m-writing web. But pen to paper and fingertips to keyboard are the only ways to accomplish the act of writing.

If you don’t write, you aren’t a writer. You’re a writer wannabe.



K. Kris Loomis đź“š

Writer, bibliophile, yogini, chess geek, player of Beethoven and Scriabin. Más cafe, por favor! Find out more about Kris at https://manylink.co/@kkrisloomis