A Solid Case for Atheism From a Believer

The best we could say, is we don’t know

Nino Padilla


Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Does God exist? This question has been around for ages, but until now, we still grapple with it. In my philosophy undergraduate days, I encountered philosophers who argued the existence or non-existence of God.

As a Catholic, I believe in God and the teachings of the Church. That’s not to say I never doubted my faith nor questioned its reality. But before we dive into religion, a more crucial question is whether God exists in the first place.

I wonder, do I believe because I’m convinced, or because I simply grew up with it? A study conducted by the University of Oxford shows humans are predisposed to believe in gods and the afterlife.

As time progressed, however, religious sects experienced a decline in their communities. Modern science is partly to blame because some things we attributed to the supernatural can now be explained through it. And because religious assertions cannot always be verified, some conclude God may not exist, after all. Thus resorting to Atheism.

Amidst these ideas, I still believe in a God. Here are a few reasons I wish atheists would consider. But first, let’s define what it is and why people adhere to it.

The Case For Atheism



Nino Padilla

I grapple with life's most important questions to learn how to live.