A Writer’s Block Hack That Actually Works

And no, I’m not telling you to just write.

Charlene Fate


You’re supposed to be working. Writing. But you’re restless. You need to channel that anxious energy but you don’t know what to write and you can’t sit still.

What do you do? Clean? Absolutely not.

Cleaning is busy work. Just cross housework off the list as an option. Step away from the mop. We’ve all used the cleaning excuse. A tidy desk can be helpful but it is really just a procrastination trap.

So, how should you channel that energy if you are suffering from writer’s block? Create. Something. Anything.

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Take that energy and create something that will start the words to brew. As you work on another art the sentences will start to come together.

We often find inspiration and are fascinated with everyday things. Even something as simple as coloring a picture can spur ideas.

Be innovative. There are many activities that you can do right now to start shifting your mindset into a more explorative direction.

