An Effective Guide On Finishing Undesirable Tasks

7 Productive Ways To Beat Procrastination

Sinem Günel


I often talk about how much I love social media.

At least I love all the opportunities that it provides.

And I also love how you can stay in touch with the world’s greatest minds from the comfort of your couch.

My social media news feeds are full of people whom I admire, so every time I open Instagram, I see inspirational, uplifting posts.

One of these persons is Gretchen Rubin.

You might know her as the author of The Four Tendencies, Better Than Before, The Happiness Project and Happier at Home.

Recently, I’ve seen an Instagram posting of hers that was quite thought-provoking for me.

It was a simple graphic saying “7 tips for finishing undesirable tasks”, but somehow it triggered me.

I love my work, and I appreciate working hard, but I still struggle to complete my tasks quite often.



Sinem Günel

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