Belief is No More Than a Simple Matter of Choice

Luke Rowley
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2018


Photo by Josh Boot on Unsplash

Belief is incredibly powerful. It can do so much good. Belief in positive things can change our lives, right down to our character.

I wish I believed more.

I don’t know that this feeling ever goes away.

Whether it’s belief in ourselves, a bright future, our loved ones, and even God, we all wish we could believe more.

As a boy, sitting in church I remember listening to people speak at the pulpit. I often heard phrases like:

“I KNOW that God answers prayers”

“I KNOW that God lives”

This always confused me. I never understood how they could say that they knew these things.

Had they seen God? How did they KNOW that He was there?

As I got older and came to believe for myself, I caught myself saying the same things over the very same pulpit. I sometimes still make the same mistake, but thankfully, now I’ve learned better.

I don’t KNOW any of these things.

I don’t KNOW that my future is bright.

I don’t KNOW that I will improve my financial situation.

I don’t KNOW that God lives and answers prayers. I have never seen Him.



Luke Rowley

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