Christianity Is Not About Moral Goodness

Our effort at goodness is a weak facade for faith

Trip Kimball


We Christians — genuine followers of Christ — need to stop moralizing the Christian faith. We need to quit portraying Christianity as a life of moral goodness.

Our effort at goodness is a weak facade for faith. It presents a false face like a veneer—an appearance of goodness as if it was faith. But this misrepresents genuine Christianity.

If you ask most people to describe Christianity, believer and non-believer alike, you’ll get a reply related to some form of moral goodness…

I try to be a good person, who does good things and is kind to others.

But is this what Christianity is all about?

A caricature of Christianity

When we try to establish our own moral goodness, we are doomed to failure. We may look good on the outside to others but inside we remain corrupted by our selfish nature since we are by nature selfish.

This is the essence of self-righteousness—presenting our own goodness as righteousness. The Pharisees—the Jewish elite of Jesus’ time—condemned themselves with their self-righteousness.



Trip Kimball

I’m a seasoned pastor, missionary, and writer committed to making what is abstract and conceptual, simple and clear. I also write at–