Cowards, Murderers, Adulterers, Thieves, and Liars

Ed Elliott
Published in
6 min readJan 23, 2019


by Ed Elliott

The title of this article sounds like the next big-budget Hollywood blockbuster movie. In truth, the people described in the title are classified in a very special category in the Bible. They are actually held in very high esteem and many consider them to be heroes of the faith.

How could God approve of such people?

I know you are thinking I have lost my mind. How is it possible God could approve, esteem, and love people with such low moral characters? How could He accept those who have done such horrible and despicable acts? But it is all true. Not only is it true, but there is also a valuable lesson to be learned in discovering how and why these people ended up being so admired and honored as giants of the faith.

In Hebrews 11, a chapter often referred to as the “Hall of Fame of Faith,” we see a long list of accomplishments by Old Testament patriarchs. These people weren’t esteemed and acknowledged in God’s Word because they were people of high moral character or personal holiness who exemplified unwavering faith in God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Moses killed an Egyptian and disobeyed God by losing his temper and smashing the Ten Commandments against a rock. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah the…



Ed Elliott

author, conference speaker itinerate/missionary who travels the world sharing truths about God’s love. Helping people experience God’s love personally.