Depression and Faith: what is the connection?

Evi Abada, MD, MS
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2019

No one is immune to depression.

It can happen to anyone, at any time, place or come in any form.

It doesn’t need an invitation.

It is very sneaky and can seize on the unsuspecting, making them vulnerable to its woes and throes.

The fact that someone hasn’t yet had a formal diagnosis of depression, doesn’t mean that they are not depressed.

Why wouldn’t people be depressed with all the horror, pain and hardship in the world today?

Whether you like to call it depression or not, but that feeling that comes with immense sadness, loneliness or seeing no light at the end of the tunnel.

That’s how it starts.

I have been a long-time believer, and I can’t but confess that there have definitely been times when I felt like the whole world was crashing down on me (and I bet many of us have had those times at some points in our lives).

I have experienced loneliness. I have experienced great fear. But through it all, I learned to trust in the One who never fails.

If there is anything my faith does for me, it’s having the assurance that regardless of what happens in life, God is always there, behind the scenes, making sure that I come out of any precarious situation unscathed.

Dear friends, I have to be honest with you here. Sometimes, when I counsel people going through some tough situations and give them some faith remedies, some of them look at me like I do not know what I am saying.

I mean, how do you counsel someone with a terrible health situation not to give in to all the negative reports they have in their hands?

How do you convince someone with no inkling of where to get their next paychecks that everything is still going to turn out fine?

Faith takes practice. You have to first learn to trust God for the little things before you can grow your faith to trust him when those bigger storms arise.

As long as we continue to live in this world, we will continue to encounter situations that may threaten our peace of minds and steal our joy. In fact, that’s exactly what Jesus admonishes in John 10:10.

I have learned with practice and over time that if God could save me from that accident, he would always show up on the scene when the doctor gives a dire diagnosis, when I have no food on my table or unsure of where to lay my head for the night.

Faith works, but you have to be willing to trust it. It’s like a little child who has no knowledge of where breakfast or dinner comes from. All they are aware of is that when dinner time comes, they sure would be sitting at the table and having their meals.

That’s the same way faith works. Absolute trust is what is required. You have to trust it that it would work for you and it will.

The Bible says in Isaiah 40:31, “they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Are you feeling burned out? Have you given up on life and feel like you are fighting that battle alone? Is your hope lost? Have friends and family deserted you?

There’s someone you can trust. His name is Jesus. He can wipe that tear away from your eyes and give you peace everlasting. However, you have to allow him a place in your life and let him take your burdens from off your shoulders.

I know Him, and I can tell you that knowing and trusting Him, helps me deal with and overcome all of life’s challenges. You can have the same experience and let him help you enjoy life to its fullest!

God bless you!

Evi Abada, MD, MS, is a Resident Physician in Pathology with a Masters in International Health Policy and Management and writes about life and productivity, global health, cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

