Do You Feel As if You Die Every Day?

You Know You Only Die Once, Don’t You?

Elaine Hilides


Photo by Yasmine Duchesne on Unsplash

Even if you’re a ghost, you still only died once.

But hands up, how many of you feel like you die every day?

Yes I know we’re all dying every day but I’m talking about thinking about dying or imagining it.

Thinking About Your Death

I hope you don’t entertain suicidal thoughts but if you do, you’re not alone. And never feel alone, please reach out to someone.

I’m talking today about the people who worry about their demise. 42% of people report fearing death to some degree.

And because you feel what you think, you’re feeling your death every time you do this. And it doesn’t feel good.

When I worked as a hypnotherapist, I used a common induction to help people see how loved they are. It involved a guided trance of the client’s funeral. The client had to imagine they’d died and to watch and listen to everyone who attended their funeral. They would see how sad people were and hear the nice things said.

An imagined living funeral you could say?

Inevitably, the client shed tears. Both at what they imagined people said and felt but also that they were dead.



Elaine Hilides

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea.