Don’t throw the car away just because the key fob doesn’t work

Sara Dagen
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2018


“My key fob isn’t working, so I need a new car.”

That’s my logic and what I told my colleague as I dispensed boiling water into my coffee mug. When I stopped filling the cup halfway, she gave me a puzzled look.

“Oh, I’m not making tea,” I said in response to her silent expression. “I just like to heat up my mug before I fill it with coffee. It keeps the coffee hotter longer.”

I set the mug on the counter to let the hot water do its work, reached into my cooler to get my Tupperware mini filled with half and half (because I shun Coffeemate), swirled the hot water into the sink to “sterilize” as much surface as possible, and then dispensed the freshest coffee into my mug and laced it with the white cream. Ahh!

My friend and I looked at each other then and laughed.

“I’m just a little bit spoiled,” I observed.

Case in point: faulty key fob = I need a new car.

My key fob went on the fritz a few weeks ago. Pushing the button to open the trunk did nothing. After a week of suffering through opening the trunk with a key, I looked on YouTube to learn how to change a battery. Easy peasy. Except that the new battery didn’t make a difference.



Sara Dagen

Light-hearted, light-seeking, and wondering if there is light at the end of the tunnel.