Drop Everything & Jump in Puddles

A Hot Mess Mom’s Guide to Mindful Living

Crystal Jackson
Published in
6 min readSep 4, 2019


Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

It was pouring down rain, and I’d just wrapped up my work. I’d promised myself I’d keep my work to the hours my kids are in school, but they were deep in a Harry Potter movie I’d seen a million times, and there were a few tasks I could stand to get out of the way. So, I did. Then, the movie ended, my work wrapped up, and the sky was falling.

I’m talking about a torrential downpour. I sat enjoying it, and then I had a flash of inspiration. I told my 4 and 6-year olds to grab their rainboots, and they knew immediately what we were going to do. With shouts of glee, they pulled on brightly colored rain boots, and I slipped into my own. We headed outside to dance, jump, and play in the warm summer rain.

There were puddles everywhere. Mud puddles. Rain puddles. Rushing water in the culvert. We sang the Peppa Pig puddle song and jumped, at first with umbrellas. Then, we discarded them and didn’t care that we were getting soaked. We just enjoyed the time together.

Afterward, we loaded wet clothes into the washing machine and headed for hot baths. I heated large bath towels in the dryer so that we’d sink into their thick coziness post-bath. We pulled out our softest pajamas and returned to the couch where we’d started, only to notice that the rain…

